A World of Warmth

A World of Warmth

Introducing A World of Warmth

This Autumn, we’re continuing to plant love by inviting you into our World of Warmth, your home away from home, and giving thanks for Harvest ingredients that are good for you and the planet. Cupping a warm mug of spiced apple juice. Hugging a dear friend. These simple yet blissful moments all create A World of Warmth: a feeling of coziness, comfort, and contentment. Thank you for joining our table and adding joy to our world.

Comfort Bowl

Organic yogurt, cashew and chestnut cream, organic thin red apple slices, organic granola, speculoos crumble, cranberry chutney and fresh mint

Shakshuka Bowl

Organic shakshuka, organic egg, organic sorghum, organic feta, avocado, mixed salad and coriander - served with organic baguette

Organic Cranberry Almond Twist

Seasonal Porridge (VG)

Organic banana, pomegranate seeds, organic dark chocolate and organic superseeds

Mushroom Toast

Organic mushroom duxelles, organic goat’s cheese, organic pesto rosso, organic cherry tomatoes and arugula

Veggie Bowl (VG)

Smoked paprika lentils, organic roasted butternut squash, organic hummus, pomegranate seeds, organic sorghum, avocado and vegan dressing

Roasted Chicken & Chestnut Cream Toast

cashew and chestnut cream, roasted chicken, organic roasted butternut squash, cranberry chutney and arugula

Autumn Cobb Salad

Roasted chicken, organic bacon, organic Fourme d’Ambert, organic hard-boiled egg, avocado, organic roasted butternut squash, smoked paprika lentils and chives

Vegetable Curry (VG)

Served with organic sorghum, cranberry chutney and coriander

Organic Chai Latte (VG)

Masala Chai tea, almond milk, agave syrup

Organic Charcoal Shot (VG)

Apple, lemon, ginger and active coconut charcoal

Organic Cranberry Spritzer

Pure cranberry juice, ginger, lemon and sparkling water